@epcastellanos @PNF4LYFE There could be more stuff to show, but the whispers in the corner all indicate MS has secure one big 3rd prty title
— Ahsan Rasheed (@thuway) 2014, 5月 22
@PNF4LYFE I expect two bombshells at MS's conference, and one at Sony's. Atleast that's what I'm hearing on the exclusive's end.
— Ahsan Rasheed (@thuway) 2014, 5月 22
http://ameblo.jp/seek202/entry-11858378358.htmlXbox One向けのユニークな独占タイトルが、日本のすばらしいデベロッパーから発売される予定です。
And one more thing - fanboys - please listen. E3 2014 IS NOT THE END ALL BE ALL. Sony might lose. Microsoft might lose. Nintendo might win
— Ahsan Rasheed (@thuway) 2014, 5月 23