Can you feel the hunger? #MysteriousGame https://t.co/zzg20VyiMs
— Bandai Namco US (@BandaiNamcoUS) 2015, 12月 18
Can you feel the hunger? #MysteriousGame https://t.co/brPperxjbb pic.twitter.com/OtEuVaUlWN
— BANDAI NAMCO Europe (@BandaiNamcoEU) 2015, 12月 18
Merci @BandaiNamcoFR pour #GODEATER en Europe #MYSTERIOUSGAME pic.twitter.com/RUjQu2XUxp
— MrSushi (@MonsieurSushi) 2015, 12月 18
An announcement about God Eater is about to arrive three days from now From the website: [sound.mp3] #MYSTERIOUSGAME pic.twitter.com/kh5V10H3qy
— Vance Barroga (@vhestal) 2015, 12月 18