Morpheus is targeting a $249-299 price point. And yes, I have told this to @roboplato many moons ago before this thing was even a thing.
— Ahsan Rasheed (@thuway) 2014, 3月 19
@irishfansam @roboplato Morpheus will include camera I've heard. The product when launched will have everything ready to go.
— Ahsan Rasheed (@thuway) 2014, 3月 19
BTW this isn't Move or EyeToy, Sony is very serious and major internal teams are doubling down. This isn't a novelty.
— Ahsan Rasheed (@thuway) 2014, 3月 19
Sony wants to prove to gamers that PlayStation is gaming. Internal teams are working on things that are absolutely fantastic.
— Ahsan Rasheed (@thuway) 2014, 3月 19